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A Glossary of the Scots Dialect |
Tack | possesion, lease. |
Tacket | shoe-nail. |
Tackets | hob-nails. |
Tae | to; toe. |
Tae'd | toed. |
Taed | a toad. |
Taen | taken. |
Taet | small quantity. |
Tairge | to task severely. |
Tak | to take. |
Tald | told. |
Tane | the one. |
Tangs | tongs. |
Tap | top. |
Tap-pickle | the grain at the top of the stalk. |
Tapetless | heedless, foolish. |
Tapmost | topmost. |
Tappet-hen | a crested hen-shaped bottle holding three quarts of claret. |
Tappit | (tappit hen = quart measure). |
Tapsalteerie | topsy-turvy. |
Targe | to examine. |
Tarrow | to murmur. |
Tarry-beeks | a sailor. |
Tassie | a goblet or cup. |
Tauk | talk. |
Tauld | told. |
Tawie | that which allows itself to be handled. |
Tawpie | a foolish woman. |
Tawpies | foolish young people. |
Tawted | matted. |
Teats | small quantities. |
Teen | sorrow. |
Tell'd | told. |
Tellin | telling. |
Temper-pin | part of a spinning wheel that regulates its motion. |
Tent | to take heed. |
Tentie | heedful. |
Tentier | more watchful. |
Tentless | careless. |
Tester | an old silver coin about sixpence in value. |
Teugh | tough. |
Teughly | toughly. |
Teuk | took. |
Thack | thatch. |
Thae | these. |
Thairm | fiddlestrings, intestines. |
Theckit | thatched. |
Theekit | thatched, covered. |
Thegither | together. |
Themsels | themselves. |
Thick | v. pack an' thick. |
Thieveless | objectless; trifling; impotent. |
Thigger | beggar. |
Thiggin | begging. |
Thir | these. |
Thirl'd | thrilled. |
Thole | to suffer, to endure. |
Thou's | thou art. |
Thou'se | thou shalt. |
Thowe | thaw. |
Thowes | thaws. |
Thowless | slack, lazy. |
Thrang | busy; thronging in crowds. |
Thrapple | the throat. |
Thrave | two shocks (24 staves) of grain. |
Thraw | to sprain or twist; to contradict. |
Thrawin | twisting. |
Thraws | throes. |
Threap | to assert. |
Three-tae'd | three-toed. |
Threesome | trio. |
Thretteen | thirteen. |
Thretty | thirty. |
Thril'd | thrilled; bound. |
Thrissle | the thistle. |
Thristed | thirsted. |
Throu'ther(throughother) | pell-mell. |
Through | mak to through = make good. |
Throwther | mixed, pell-mell. |
Thuds | that makes a loud, intermittant noise. |
Thummart | the polecat. |
Thumpit | thumped. |
Thylane | alone. |
Thysel' | thyself. |
Tidin | tiding. |
Tight | girt, prepared. |
Till | to. |
Till't | to it. |
Timmer | timber. |
Timmer-propt | timber propped. |
Tine | to lose or be lost. |
Tinkler | a tinker. |
Tint | lost (tint as win = lost as won). |
Tip | ram. |
Tippence | twopence. |
Tippenny | twopenny, cheap ale. |
Tirl | to strip or uncover. |
Tirl'd | rasped (knocked). |
Tirlin | unroofing. |
Tither | the other. |
Tittlin | whispering and laughing. |
To-fa' | the fall. |
Tocher | marriage portion. |
Tocher-gude | marriage portion. |
Tod | fox. |
Todlin | toddling. |
Toom | empty. |
Toop | a ram. |
Topsalteerie | topsy-turvy. |
Toss | the toast. |
Toun | a hamlet; a farmhouse. |
Tousie | shaggy. |
Tout | toot (horn or trumpet). |
Touzie | rough or shaggy. |
Touzle | to rumple. |
Tow | a rope. |
Towmond | a year (from a twelvemonth). |
Towsing | rumpling (equivocal). |
Toy | a fashion of female head dress. |
Toyte | to totter. |
Tozie | flushed with drink. |
Trams | shafts. |
Transmogrify | change. |
Transmogrify'd | metamorphosed. |
Transmugrify'd | metamorphosed. |
Trashtrie | trash. |
Treadin | treading. |
Trews | trousers. |
Trickie | tricky. |
Trig | spruce, neat. |
Trin'le | the wheel of a barrow. |
Trinklin | trickling. |
Trogger | packman. |
Troggin | wares sold by itinerant merchants or peddlars. |
Troke | to exchange, to deal with. |
Trottin | trotting. |
Trouse | trousers. |
Trow't | belived. |
Trowth | truth, in truth. |
Trump | a jew's harp. |
Tryste | a fair; a cattle-market. |
Trysted | appointed. |
Trysting | meeting. |
Tulyie | tulzie, a squabble; a tussle. |
Tulzie | a quarrel. |
Tup | a ram. |
Twa | two. |
Twa-fauld | twofold. |
Twa-three | two or three. |
Twafauld | twofold, double. |
Twal | twelve. |
Twal' | twelve. |
Twalpennieworth | a penny worth (English money). |
Twalt | the twelfth. |
Twang | twinge. |
Tway | two. |
Twin | twine, to rob; to deprive; bereave. |
Twined | reft, separated from. |
Twistle | a twist. |
Tyke | a vagrant dog. |
Tyne | to lose. |
Tysday | Tuesday (Tysday 'teen = Tuesday at evening). |
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Page last updated 02-NOV-2000